Modicon PLC

Modicon PLC are now produced by Schneider Electric. As specialists in energy management and global operations, Schneider Electric offers solutions for automation with their Modicon progammable logic controllers across the country and around the globe.  With more than 100 countries on their roster and offices in 87 of those countries Schneider brings you fully integrated solutions for your automation needs.

Schneider was founded in 1836 with fewer than 100 employees on their payroll. Today Schneider Electric offers solutions to the problems that are face by more than 100 different countries in their industry, energy, computing and residences. There are more than 110 thousand Schneider Electric employees who are working for the future and their sales and efforts alone brought in more than 20 billion dollars last year.

Schneider is not only a leader in programmable logic controllers but in other areas of electrical management and operations. The company is focused on offering not only the most low cost and efficient methods of automation that they can bring to the table, but also on making sure that the solutions they provide are as green and as energy efficient as possible.

Modicon PLC or Programmable Logic controllers which are built by Schneider Electric are also built to be efficient and green in order to help your company to achieve the automation that you want and need but to be as cost effective as possible.

Our needs in industry are changing rapidly. The programmable logic controllers that we use to help us to automate those needs are also changing rapidly. With so much new technology out there, we need better ways to automate industry, energy production, and even require the use of programmable logic controllers in areas that are non-traditional, such as underwater.

A few companies provide the programmable logic controllers that we need and keep changing and growing in order to offer us the automation solutions that we require for the vast array of devices and applications that we need to work with.

The Modicon Quantum programmable logic controller is one PLC family that is both efficient and affordable.

The Modicon Quantum PLC is a leading solution in programmable logic controllers for those jobs or facilities that need a much larger input-output number or are dealing with applications which are time sensitive and need precision control.

The Modicon Premium PLC is the perfect kind of single platform programmable logic controller, offering you standardization and peak efficiency in a top performing PLC.

The Modicon Momentum PLC and Distributed I/O one of the more cost effective programmable logic controllers in the Modicon line and is perfectly suited for control through PC, for distributed control processes or for stand-alone control. It has what you need to offer you precise control of your applications and offers you a quality solution at a reasonable price for your company.

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