The advancement in technology has provided the gadgets to allow home automation to be affordable to any homeowner. Smart Homes, commonly used to describe automation systems, can save money, provide security for yourself and your property and they can be fun.
If you have ever stumbled over a pair of shoes, a forgotten toy or a piece of furniture while attempting to navigate in a dark room, automated lighting will solve that problem. There are many options available from voice-activated systems that turn on specific lights when a verbal command is given, to sensor systems that detect movement and turn on the lights automatically. This type of a system will also turn the lights off after a specific amount of time, if no movement is detected.
Yard Maintenance
While many automation systems are inside, there are a few that will help with yard maintenance. Technology is not so advanced that the lawn mower will mow the yard by itself, but sprinkler systems, pond systems and yard lighting is easy to automate. Once a homeowner determines the schedule, the automation system is programmed. At the designated time, sprinklers will come on, exterior lighting or driveway lights will be turned on or off at the scheduled time. Over-ride capabilities allow the homeowner to interrupt programmed cycles for rain, outdoor activities or inclusion of additional tasks.
One of the most common home automation applications are security systems. Smart homes monitor for illegal door, window or other types of entry. Some security systems are voice activated and will alert fire, police or emergency rescue services to an emergency. Motion detectors placed inside and outside your home can be turned on or off as needed. Many automation systems have a pre-programmed set of instructions for when owners are at work or sleeping. Fire systems can be very sophisticated, noticing heat signatures long before an actual fire breaks out. Alerting the homeowner by activating smoke alarms, voice, or turning on the lights, are just a few ways to program an automatic home security system.
Energy Savings
When a home automation system controls the lights, heating and air conditioning systems, it reduces the energy costs in the home. Smart homes that have automated heating and air conditioning systems may see energy savings of up to 30%. Appliances that are plugged into an automated system will be turned off. Many of these types of appliances are background energy users. If these appliances are turned off when not in use, 10% energy savings may be possible.
Kitchen appliances are now being manufactured that are automation-system ready. When refrigerators are monitored and turned up or down by the automation system, foods stay fresher longer. Cook stoves can be controlled to bake, warm and defrost foods. When an automated system controls a microwave oven, it uses less energy and can be programmed to be ready when needed. Entertainment systems can be voice or remotely activated. Having one controller or system for all your entertainment devices is very convenient.
There are several types of packages available, the do-it-yourself systems, wireless and wired systems and complete installation packages where professional install the systems. Saving money through reduced energy costs, home security and safety and convenience are good reasons to look into home automation systems.
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